Sunday, November 10, 2013

This Friday into next week, November 19-22, the Donegal FBLA club is sponsoring a food drive at DHS. Bring canned goods to donate to Water Street Rescue Mission. The homeroom with the most donations will receive a free pass. The free pass lets you get to the front of the lunch line for a week. So help support the DHS FBLA club and donate food to Water Street Rescue Mission during the holidays.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

School Store Opens

One of the biggest objectives of the 2013-2014 Donegal FBLA chapter was to successfully open the Donegal school store, which gathered a thick layer of dust during the premier year of the new Donegal High School building after its completion in the summer of 2012.  After much careful planning, market research, and dedication, and the help of some vital connections, the officer team accomplished their task.  Just in time for the homecoming football game, “The Trading Post” hosted its grand opening with shelves and drawers packed full of t-shirts, sweatshirts, knit caps, and gym bags, and other green and white spirit-wear.  The Trading Post also features school supplies such as pencils and erasers.  More inventory will be purchased in time for the winter sports seasons, and a suggestion box sits inside the store for student customers to share their ideas.  Completely student run, the store operates in the mornings before school from 7:15 to 7:45 AM.  Students have created a Facebook page and Twitter account in order to keep Donegal students up-to-date on the Trading Post’s operations and new inventory. One hundred per cent of the profits benefit the Donegal Chapter of FBLA.
This operation is not possible without the dedication and support of the student body, the Donegal FBLA advisors, the Donegal administration, the inventory suppliers, and everyone else who helped the store or its founders in one way or another. Thanks for all of the help.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


ALL chapter members may register for the PA FBLA Member Email list serve.  The state management team uses this email list on a regular basis to send important information, reminders and announcements to the PA FBLA membership.

In addition, please encourage your members to access our PA FBLA social media pages.